"The Huffington Post is THE New White Trash Blogspot"
C. Adkins
In the not so distant past, Huffington Post was just an ordinary political blog with a fair amount of readers usually considered an intelligent audience. Now, it would seem that they've taken a wee bit different approach to journalism: Attract Pure White Trash.
Why, they once were so respected that their brilliance of supporting the Patriotic Candidate Du Jour Barak Hussein Obama was broadcast on the well respected and news trustworthy Colbert Report. How much more credibility does one really need, right?
Well, now the Huffington Post has outdone even the dirtiest of Old Chicago Style Politics...they've viciously attacked a respectable fundraiser, an activist and a die-hard democrat by day, Clinton supporter by heart, Ricki Lieberman.
It seems as though we have gotten to the point of elementary school behavior. We now see people lashing out with derogatory comments instead of intelligent dialog. The emotions run unchecked, and the logic has been thrown out the window.
In that regard, our parent's generation used to talk about "throwing the baby out with the bathwater." Of course, Obama knows about casting babies aside, as shown by his bizarre opposition to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.
Are we as a society dropping to the level or wallowing in the mud like a bunch of wild hogs in the wilderness? Are we trying to prove our position by being "bigger" than someone else instead of acting like intelligent human beings?
Is it impossible to act like decent human beings, have a reasonable dialog, and show the rest of the world that we are not uncivilized barbarians as some have already done by the words and actions?
Well, only the e-mails will tell and the Huffington Post will post insanely. For now, my best suggestion is to steer clear of the Huffington Post lest you be contributing to the NEW white trash dialogue.